Ich weiß nicht, wie es bei euch ist, aber ich will später mehr von der Welt sehen. Und falls ihr das auch wollt, lest euch gerne den Text durch. Dieser Text – extra für den IGEL geschrieben – ist von meinem Bruder Denis, der gerade durch Australien reist. Dann könnt ihr mal sehen, wie das Ganze so abläuft.
My name is Denis and I am 25 years old. After I finished my studies in 2019 I decided to travel the world and to gain experience living in another country for a longer period.
Australia offers a working holiday visa for foreign travellers, which is easy to access online. If your application gets approved you are able to live in Australia for one year with full working rights. You are able to extend your visa if you have met the criteria (88 days of farm work). The cost for each visa is approximately 500 dollar for each application.
I have seen most of the country which includes eight states and territories. Each state has its own government. Especially during the pandemic you could tell the difference. Various measurements and closed borders which means no traveling between states and territories. Basically most people were stuck for a couple of months. Australia in general could manage the pandemic pretty well and interstate travel was opened up quickly. At the moment I am in Western Australia which is the most isolated state compared to the rest of Australia. I am in Perth the most isolated City in the World.

I have seen the whole East Coast (Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne), the Northern Territory (Darwin), the South Coast (Adelaide) and now I am traveling the West Coast (Perth to Broome). One country with four different climate zones.