Working Holiday Australia

Ich weiß nicht, wie es bei euch ist, aber ich will spä­ter mehr von der Welt sehen. Und falls ihr das auch wollt, lest euch ger­ne den Text durch. Die­ser Text – extra für den IGEL geschrie­ben – ist von mei­nem Bru­der Denis, der gera­de durch Aus­tra­li­en reist. Dann könnt ihr mal sehen, wie das Gan­ze so abläuft.

My name is Denis and I am 25 years old. After I finis­hed my stu­dies in 2019 I deci­ded to tra­vel the world and to gain expe­ri­ence living in ano­ther coun­try for a lon­ger period.
Aus­tra­lia offers a working holi­day visa for for­eign tra­vel­lers, which is easy to access online. If your appli­ca­ti­on gets appro­ved you are able to live in Aus­tra­lia for one year with full working rights. You are able to extend your visa if you have met the cri­te­ria (88 days of farm work). The cost for each visa is appro­xi­m­ate­ly 500 dol­lar for each application.

I have seen most of the coun­try which includes eight sta­tes and ter­ri­to­ries. Each sta­te has its own govern­ment. Espe­ci­al­ly during the pan­de­mic you could tell the dif­fe­rence. Various mea­su­re­ments and clo­sed bor­ders which means no tra­ve­ling bet­ween sta­tes and ter­ri­to­ries. Basi­cal­ly most peo­p­le were stuck for a cou­ple of months. Aus­tra­lia in gene­ral could mana­ge the pan­de­mic pret­ty well and inter­sta­te tra­vel was ope­ned up quick­ly. At the moment I am in Wes­tern Aus­tra­lia which is the most iso­la­ted sta­te com­pared to the rest of Aus­tra­lia. I am in Perth the most iso­la­ted City in the World.


I have seen the who­le East Coast (Cairns, Bris­bane, Syd­ney and Mel­bourne), the Nor­t­hern Ter­ri­to­ry (Dar­win), the South Coast (Ade­lai­de) and now I am tra­ve­ling the West Coast (Perth to Broo­me). One coun­try with four dif­fe­rent cli­ma­te zones.

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