IGEL-Adventskalender 22. Türchen: Strange Christmas traditions

Advents­ka­len­der-Logo: Manu­el Fran­ken, 10b
Stran­ge Christ­mas traditions
In the first pic­tu­re you can see the uni­que Christ­mas tra­di­ti­on of the Repu­blic of South Afri­ca. The­re, deep-fried cater­pil­lars are a tra­di­tio­nal and „deli­cious“ Christ­mas meal.
May­be „ugly“ and a bit con­tro­ver­si­al for the rest of the world, but the South Afri­cans are enjoy­ing it and have enjoy­ed it for as long as they can remember.
Anna Klein, 10a

Josie Exler, 10a
The second pic­tu­re shows a witch that gives out the pres­ents in Ita­ly ins­tead of San­ta Claus. The witch is cal­led „Bef­a­na“ and she brings the gifts on the 6th of Janu­ary at the day of „Epi­pha­ny“. And if you don’t know the day of „Epi­pha­ny“: It is the day on which 3 wise men visi­ted baby Jesus. The sto­ry says that Bef­a­na could not go and visit baby Jesus becau­se of work and that she still reg­rets this why she is going to deli­ver the pres­ents. In Ita­ly, she is more popu­lar than San­ta Claus.
Meh­met Öncel, 10a
This last pic­tu­re depicts the sleigh that San­ta Claus rides while giving out pres­ents on Christ­mas. The reinde­er that you can see next to the sleigh is Rudolph (becau­se of the red nose of cour­se). He mis­ses the rest of the reinde­ers from his squad. Can you name them?
Solu­ti­on (writ­ten back­wards): recnarp, nez­tilb, rehs­ad, recnad, ren­nod, temoc, nexiv, dipuc 


Adri­an Sla­mic, 10a
ein­ge­stellt von Sarah Back­haus, 10a

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